The Ed-Watch series is designed to increase access to information on what decisions
are being made regarding public education in Clark County and Nevada.
Clark County School District Board of Trustees
What is the Board of Trustees & what are they responsible for? The CCSD Trustees are decision-makers for the school district. Seven members are elected based on district; four are appointed representatives from the four largest municipalities in Clark County (Clark County, City of Las Vegas, City of Henderson, and City of North Las Vegas). They are responsible for providing oversight to the Superintendent and establishing District-wide policy. Trustees are accountable to work with their communities to improve student achievement.
Click here to learn more and see a list of current Trustees.
Click here to find your Trustee District.
How often does the Board of Trustees meet? Trustees meet twice per month (second and fourth Thursdays) at 5 pm both virtually and at the Edward A. Greer Education Center Board Room (2832 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121).
Click here for a full list of Trustees meetings and agendas.
Can community members engage at Trustee meetings? Decision-making bodies benefit greatly from hearing public input and multiple perspectives. Currently, members of the public can submit comments on agenda and non-agenda items through email or voice recording. Public comment can be provided in person, via email, or via voice recording. Email comments should be submitted to Boardmtgcomments@nv.ccsd.net. To submit a voice recording on items listed on the meeting agenda, call 702-799-1166. Voice recorded public comment is limited to 1 minute 30 seconds.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Clark County School District Board of Trustees Work Session
Click here to see the meeting agenda.
What happened at this meeting?
Trustees Did Not Approve the Conditional Resignation of the Superintendent (4-3)
Trustees did not approve accepting the conditional resignation and acceptance of the Third Amendment to the employment agreement between the CCSD Board of Trustees and Dr. Jesus Jara.
Review the letter of resignation, message from the Board of Trustees, the employment agreement between CCSD Board of Trustees and Dr. Jara, and other support material for this item.
Learn more about this item from the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Trustees Approved A Conditional Termination for Convenience by Board (5-2)
Trustees approved a conditional “Termination for Convenience by Board” of the existing employment agreement and amendments between the Board of Trustees and Dr. Jesus Jara. Clarification was made that counsel will negotiate alternative terms with Dr. Jara.
Review the message from the Board of Trustees and other support material for this item.
Learn more about this item from the Nevada Independent.
Trustees Did Not Act to Appoint Brenda Larsen-Mitchell as Superintendent
Trustees did not act upon appointing Brenda Larsen-Mitchell as Superintendent.
Public Comment
Members of the public shared comments regarding:
- Board procedures
- Board decorum
- The need for a superintendent search
- Transparency in the hiring process
- Board leadership and transparency
- School quality
The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for February 8, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.