Where To Go
Community Members
Join our community engagement efforts to improve educational outcomes for kids
Whether you are a family member, employer, community stakeholder, elected official, or a concerned resident of Nevada who wants to get more involved in better educational outcomes for every kid, we want to hear from you and have you involved in our community engagement efforts.
Together, we can improve schools, change outcomes, and shape the future of Nevada.
Flip the Script 2024

School board candidates join local students for an interactive forum designed and moderated by students.
All candidates received the same communication and were asked to reply. Candidates were given until the day before to confirm attendance. Opportunity 180 does not endorse candidates and cannot compel attendance.
LEED Fellowship

Not in the education sector, but want to be part of the change that impacts thousands of students? This fellowship is for you! LEED fellows participate in six in-person learning experiences, learn deeply about education inequities in our education systems, and gain new perspectives. The experience culminates with a capstone project that harnesses your individual passion and interests.
“I Stand With Kids” Pledge

Join the pledge! It’s free, quick, and simple to sign up and participate in a way that is comfortable and meaningful for you. This is an easy way to join others passionate about advancing equitable education outcomes, stay up to date on the latest news, and learn more about how you can talk to your friends, family, professional network, and your elected officials about education issues that matter to you.