The Ed-Watch series is designed to increase access to information on what decisions
are being made regarding public education in Clark County and Nevada.
Washoe County School District Board of Trustees
What is the Board of Trustees & what are they responsible for? The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees are publicly elected decision-makers for the school district. They are responsible for providing oversight to the Superintendent and establishing District-wide policy. Trustees are accountable to work with their communities to improve student achievement.
Click here to learn more and see a list of current Trustees.
How often does the Board of Trustees meet? Trustees meet twice per month (second and fourth Tuesdays) at 2 pm both virtually and at the Central Administration Building Board Room, 425 E. 9th St., Reno, NV 89512.
Click here for a full list of Trustees meetings.
Can community members engage at Trustee meetings? Decision-making bodies benefit greatly from hearing public input and multiple perspectives. Currently, members of the public can submit comments on agenda and non-agenda items through email or voice recording. Public comment can be provided in person or via email. Email comments should be submitted to publiccomments@washoeschools.net.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Washoe County School District Board of Trustees Meeting
Click here to see the meeting agenda.
Watch the meeting playback.
What happened at this meeting?
Trustees Approved the Consent Agenda
Consent agenda highlights include:
- Approval to purchase school bus camera systems
- Approval to purchase student laptops
- Acceptance of the budget transfer report
Explore the consent agenda here.
Trustees Discussed the Excellence Targets for the WCSD 2023-26 Strategic Plan Goals
Staff presented the excellence targets and metrics for goals as identified by the District’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. These goals and targets are:
- Strong Start for Every Child: At least 15 out of every 20 students (75%) are proficient in English Language Arts and math by the end of third grade.
- Student Voice and Advocacy: 100% of students have opportunities to explore their interests through participation in clubs, activities, athletics, and internships.
- Safety and Belonging: 100% of students say they are known by name, strength, and need in their school.
- Academic Growth and Achievement: At least 15 out of every 20 students in Grades 4-8 (75%) meet or exceed standards in English Language Arts, math, and science.
- Empowering All Learners for Their Future: At least 19 out of every 20 students participate in dual credit, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and/or career and technical education pathways, including the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps; every graduate will complete a post-graduation plan.
Metrics for each of these targets have also been assigned. Trustees discussed reporting, dashboards, and results being made available to the public.
Explore the excellence targets and metrics.
Trustees Approved the Uses of the Preliminary Budget for Implementation and Support of the WCSD Strategic Plan
In June, the Board approved using a minimum of $10 million for the implementation of the strategic plan. The total preliminary budget, as proposed, is $9,926,000, inclusive of all five goals of the strategic plan and districtwide supports that include tools and software to manage internal business and human resources functions, redesigning new school and district websites, and providing professional supports aimed at capacity-building for successful implementation of the strategic plan.
Trustees approved the preliminary budget. It will now move forward, with all budget items going through the District’s procurement process.
Explore the presentation.
Trustees Adopted Resolution 23-018, Recognizing September 15 – October 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month
Trustees adopted a resolution that recognizes September 15 – October 15, 2023, as Hispanic Heritage Month.
Explore the resolution in English and the resolution in Spanish.
Trustee Reports
Report highlights included:
- Several school visits and activities
- Attending a Mental Health Summit and other community events
- Applauding school home visits
- Highlighting various community partners
- Trustee town halls
- Attending JROTC events
- Applauding the District’s National Merit Scholar finalists
- Upcoming Facilities Modernization Plan meetings
- New school mural at Huffaker Elementary School
Superintendent’s Report
Report highlights included:
- Partnership with the Council of Great City Schools for program reviews, with a full report due in the next month (approximately)
- Parent Teacher Home Visit Awards
- Kick-off for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Public Comment
- Focus on academic achievement
- High school reading lists
The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for October 10, at 2:00 p.m.