The Ed-Watch series is designed to increase access to information on what decisions
are being made regarding public education in Clark County and Nevada.
Washoe County School District Board of Trustees
What is the Board of Trustees & what are they responsible for? The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees are publicly elected decision-makers for the school district. They are responsible for providing oversight to the Superintendent and establishing District-wide policy. Trustees are accountable to work with their communities to improve student achievement.
Click here to learn more and see a list of current Trustees.
How often does the Board of Trustees meet? Trustees meet twice per month (second and fourth Tuesdays) at 2 pm both virtually and at the Central Administration Building Board Room, 425 E. 9th St., Reno, NV 89512.
Click here for a full list of Trustees meetings.
Can community members engage at Trustee meetings? Decision-making bodies benefit greatly from hearing public input and multiple perspectives. Currently, members of the public can submit comments on agenda and non-agenda items through email or voice recording. Public comment can be provided in person or via email. Email comments should be submitted to publiccomments@washoeschools.net.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Washoe County School District Board of Trustees Meeting
Click here to see the meeting agenda.
Watch the meeting playback.
What happened at this meeting?
Trustees Approved the Consent Agenda
Consent agenda highlights include:
- Approval of the Internal Audit Department’s School Student Activity Funds Risk Assessment and Annual Audit Plan for CY 2024
- Approval of dual credit courses with University of Nevada, Reno and Western Nevada College for WCSD students
- Approval to renew the current prescription contract with United Healthcare
Trustees Approved the Final District-Wide Facility Modernization Plan
District staff have worked with Cannon Design over the last several months to include significant community engagement. The final recommendations were presented to the Capital Funding Protection Committee and have been unanimously passed by that committee.
The Plan includes improving all schools within 15 years with current funding sources, eliminating overcrowding districtwide, avoiding $140 million in capital renovations at repurposed campuses, and reinvesting millions of dollars in savings to teachers and programs. Recommendations also include exploring a new PK-8 model to expand choice and access to quality programs.
Initiatives and priorities identified by the community include fulfilling legacy projects, continued study to find consensus for action, managing growth, special and alternate education to serve students with the highest needs, a trade-up strategy to invest in newer, better resourced schools, and prioritized improvements for District-wide equity.
Explore the presentation and the final report.
Trustees Discussed New Bus Transportation Routes and Walk Zones
In June 2023, Trustees voted to reduce walk zones down to previous 2018 levels as soon as was practical for the 2024 school year (to be 1.0 miles for elementary schools, 2.0 miles for middle schools, and 3.0 miles for high schools). In August, the transportation department began implementing new routing software and began drawing these new zone parameters into the system. Routes have also been tested for time and safety. New routes and walk zones are scheduled to be implemented as of Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
Explore the agenda item.
Trustees Appointed Dr. Kristen McNeill as Interim Superintendent of Schools
Trustees discussed the character and professional competence of Dr. Kristen McNeill and approved her appointment as interim superintendent. Dr. McNeill previously served as superintendent from April 2020 – June 2022 and as interim superintendent during the 2019-2020 school year, as well as served as deputy superintendent and chief of staff for the WCSD.
Explore Dr. McNeill’s resume.
Trustees Entered into an Employment Agreement with Interim Superintendent Dr. Kristen McNeill
Trustees entered into an employment agreement with interim superintendent Dr. Kristen McNeill, with a start date of December 13, 2023.
Review the red-lined draft contract and the clean draft contract.
Trustees Delegated Oversight and Management of the On-Boarding Process and Transition Plan for Interim Superintendent Dr. Kristen McNeill to Board President Elizabeth Smith
Trustees approved delegating Board President Elizabeth Smith to oversee and manage the on-boarding and transition plan for interim superintendent Dr. Kristen McNeill, and direct Superintendent Enfield to create an onboarding process and transition plan for Dr. McNeill to ensure continuity of district plans, goals, and strategic plan targets.
Review the agenda item.
Staff Presented the Winners of the 2023 Holiday Card Contest
Trustees celebrated the finalists and winners of the 13th annual holiday card contest. Kinley Jones from Caughlin Ranch Elementary School was the K-2 winner; Tymber Duckett from Raw Elementary School was the Grades 3-5 winner; Casey Chan from Billinghurst Middle School was the Grades 6-8 winner; and Alex Garcia Tapungot from Damonte Ranch High School was the Grades 9-12 winner.
Explore the holiday card design presentation.
Trustee Reports
Report highlights included:
- Several school visits, events, and activities
- Meeting with the Department of Wildlife for school archery programs
- Attending the We the People competition
- Attending the Nevada Association of School Boards meeting
- Dedication of a new food truck to Reed High School
- Solidarity with the UNLV community
- Holiday greetings
Superintendent’s Report
Report highlights included:
- Looking forward to working alongside Dr. McNeill to ensure a smooth transition
- Continuing the momentum of the District’s strategic plan
- Holiday greetings
Public Comment
- Additional time for lunch periods
- Expanded daycare services for student parents
- Differentiated learning methods, including project-based learning and less reliance on testing
- Teacher pay, respect, and well-being
- Class choice and career and technical pathways
- Adding a mandatory driver’s education course in high school
- Traffic issues around Hug High School
- Harassment of school board trustees
- Concerns regarding contracting processes
- Concerns regarding personal information of families, restorative justice practices, and home schooling
- Investigation of allegations of sexual harassment from a school board trustee
- Zero-tolerance policies for violence in schools
- Adding lacrosse to high school athletics offerings
- High school start times
The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for January 9, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.