The Ed-Watch series is designed to increase access to information on what decisions
are being made regarding public education in Clark County and Nevada.
What is the Board of Trustees & what are they responsible for? The CCSD Trustees are publicly elected decision-makers for the school district. They are responsible for providing oversight to the Superintendent and establishing District-wide policy. Trustees are accountable to work with their communities to improve student achievement.
Click here to learn more and see a list of current Trustees
Click here to find your Trustee District
How often does the Board of Trustees meet? Trustees meet twice per month (second and fourth Thursdays) at 5 pm both virtually and at the Edward A. Greer Education Center Board Room (2832 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121).
Click here for a full list of Trustees meetings and agendas
Click here to visit Hope For Nevada’s #NVEd Calendar
Can community members engage at Trustee meetings? Decision-making bodies benefit greatly from hearing public input and multiple perspectives. Currently, members of the public can submit comments on agenda and non-agenda items through email or voice recording. Public comment can be provided in person, via email, or via voice recording. Email comments should be submitted to Boardmtgcomments@nv.ccsd.net. To submit a voice recording on items listed on the meeting agenda, call 702-799-1166. Voice recorded public comment is limited to 1 minute 30 seconds.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Clark County School District Board of Trustees Meeting
Click here to see the meeting agenda.
Watch the meeting playback on CCSD EduVision.
What happened at this meeting?
Public Comment #1 on Non-Agenda Items
Members of the public shared comments regarding:
- IEP concerns
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) scholarship programs
- Playground accessibility and special education status
- Educator concerns regarding retaliation
- High school enrollment
- Early teacher retirement incentive program suspension
- Student discipline
- Teacher retention
- Traffic safety concerns on College Dr. and Wagonwheel Dr.
Trustees Approved the Consent Agenda (7-0)
Consent Agenda Highlights:
- Grant application for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Leaders Academy, Lawrence and Heidi Canarelli Middle School, Nevada Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology
- American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Career and Technical Education Paraprofessional Project Grant
- Unified personnel employment and licensed personnel employment
Explore consent agenda items here.
Trustees Discussed Focus: 2024 Strategic Plan Update on Chronic Absenteeism
Staff presented an update on chronic absenteeism with reporting from the 2021-2022 school year. These numbers are not yet validated but will be done so by September 15, 2022. The District’s overall chronic absenteeism rate at 39.8% for the 2021-22 school year, against a target of 16.9%. Identified challenges include distance education and absence reporting, and identified successes include supportive partners on reducing absenteeism, targeted support during school closure, and consistent public reporting. Next steps include differentiated attendance reporting professional learning and Truancy Prevention Outreach Program renewal in August 2022.
Explore the presentation.
Learn more from the Las Vegas Review-Journal on this agenda item.
Trustees Accepted the Report on the Proposed State Public Charter School Authority Sponsored Public Charter Schools for the 2022 Annual Application Cycle
The State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA) notifies the Department of Education and the local school district when they receive a notice of intent to submit an application or an application. The SPCSA submitted four applications for its annual application cycle for CCSD’s review: Mind Your Books (Grades K-8), Rooted School – Clark County (Grades 9-12), Southern Nevada Trades High School (Grades 9-12), and The Village High School (Grades 9-12).
Explore the presentation.
Trustees Approved Two Bill Draft Requests for the 2023 Legislative Session
CCSD is able to submit two Bill Draft Requests (BDRs) ahead of the 2023 Legislative Session. These requests must be submitted to the Legislative Counsel Bureau by September 1, 2022. Trustees discussed several topics for possible BDRs, including eliminating Student Learning Growth submissions for teachers, addressing teacher shortages, creating a district-wide Social Emotional Learning peer support program, changing sex education statutes for instruction to be opt-out rather than opt-in, implementation of various school safety measures, and establishing standards and qualifications for education-related oversight boards.
Trustees approved addressing the statewide teacher shortage through improving wages and working conditions, nationwide license reciprocity, paid application fees, higher education pipeline program funding, etc. as a BDR topic for the 2023 Legislative Session on a 7-0 vote. Trustees then approved to establish standards and qualifications for all education-related oversight boards, such as school board trustees and the Board of Regents, as the second BDR topic for the 2023 Legislative Session, on a 4-3 vote.
Explore the potential bill draft requests.
Trusteed Conducted a Public Hearing on and Approved the 2022 Medium-Term Bond Authorization Resolution (7-0)
Trustees conducted a public hearing on and approved the 2022 Medium-Term Bond Authorization Resolution, authorizing the sale and issuance of medium-term obligations in an amount not to exceed $35,000,000 to finance all or a portion of the cost of acquiring, improving, and equipping school facilities.
Explore the public hearing notice and resolution.
Public Comment #2 on Non-Agenda Items
Members of the public shared comments on this item regarding:
- Board transparency
- Parent engagement
The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for September 8, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.