Nevada Ed-Watch

La serie Ed-Watch está diseñada para aumentar el acceso a la información sobre qué decisiones
se están tomando con respecto a la educación pública en el condado de Clark y Nevada.

La serie Ed-Watch está diseñada para aumentar el acceso a la información sobre las decisiones que se están tomando con respecto a la educación pública en el condado de Clark y Nevada.

Autoridad Estatal de Escuelas Públicas Concertadas (SPCSA)

¿Qué es la SPCSA y de qué es responsable? Considerado como uno de los distritos escolares de Nevada, el SPCSA patrocina y supervisa las escuelas públicas charter. La Autoridad está formada por siete miembros designados responsables de supervisar las normas educativas y operativas y hacer que las escuelas patrocinadas sean responsables del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. 

¿Con qué frecuencia se reúne el Consejo de Administración de SPCSA? El SPCSA suele reunirse una vez al mes, generalmente los viernes. 

Haga clic aquí para consultar el calendario y los materiales de las reuniones de la SPCSA.

¿Pueden los miembros de la comunidad participar en las reuniones de la Junta de SPCSA? Aunque todas las reuniones de la SPCSA se celebran normalmente en público en el edificio del Departamento de Educación de Nevada en Carson City y en el edificio del Departamento de Educación de Nevada en Las Vegas (sala de juntas del 1er piso), todas las reuniones se celebran ahora virtualmente debido a la crisis COVID-19. Los miembros del público pueden ver la reunión en línea a través del enlace en la página web de Aviso Público de SPCSA y la agenda y cualquier material de apoyo se puede encontrar aquí. El público puede hacer comentarios sobre cualquier punto del orden del día al principio de la reunión o sobre cualquier asunto relacionado con SPCSA al final de cada reunión del Consejo. Los miembros de la comunidad que hagan comentarios públicos pueden utilizar la siguiente línea de conferencia telefónica: 1-312-584-2401; extensión 3952176# con un límite de tiempo de tres minutos por orador. Alternativamente, los comentarios del público pueden enviarse por escrito a, y cualquier comentario público de este tipo recibido antes de la reunión se facilitará a la Autoridad y se incluirá en el acta escrita de la reunión.

Click here for a list of all SPCSA Members.
Click here for a list of all SPCSA sponsored schools.

Friday, May 19, 2023
State Public Charter School Authority Board Meeting
Access the meeting agenda and playback.

¿Qué ocurrió en esta reunión? 

Informe del Director Ejecutivo de SPCSA

Entre los aspectos más destacados del informe figuran:

  • Legislative Update: Staff are monitoring several bills in the final weeks of the Legislature, including those that specifically pertain to charter schools or would significantly impact the SPCSA or SPCSA-sponsored charter schools. The list can be found here.
  • New Charter School Applications: Eight charter applications were received for this cycle: six in Clark County, one in Elko County, and one in Nye County. Explore the list here.
  • Federal Grants Administered by the SPCSA: The team is working closely with school to ensure ESSER II dollars are expended by the deadline later this year. Staff is working to ensure reimbursements happen on a timely basis.
  • Purple Star Schools: Purple Star Schools demonstrate their support and commitment to meeting the unique needs of military-connected students and families. Legacy Traditional School’s Cadence Campus, Somerset Academy’s Aliante Campus, and Coral Academy of Science’s Nellis and Centennial Hills Campuses received this designation.

Board Approved Girls Empowerment Middle School’s Closure Plans

The Board heard updates from GEMS and staff regarding the potential closure of the school, following its Notice of Breach issued at the April board meeting. The GEMS board has since voted to close the school at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

The Board accepted the recent action of the GEMS board to close the school, appointed Michael Taack to be the school’s administrator through the closure, and approved the school’s closure plan as submitted to SPCSA staff.

Explore the recommendation memo and closure plan.

Información actualizada sobre las nuevas escuelas

  • Eagle Charter Schools of Nevada – The school is on target with pre-opening tasks, with primary focus areas continuing to be student recruitment, hiring, and facilities. More than 61 applications have been submitted, 126 students have completed registration, and 131 have registration in progress. Fourteen staff members have also been hired. Explore the presentation.
  • Pinecrest Academy – Springs Campus – The modular building is now in place, providing four additional classrooms. Hiring has been completed, and the school is applying for Title 1, Title 4, and CSP grants. Student recruitment is ongoing through onsite enrollment, events, and activities. Explore the presentation.
  • Rooted School – The school will co-locate with Nevada Prep Academy for the 2023-2024 school year, and is still looking for its permanent facility. Several activities are taking place to encourage enrollment. Thirty-three applications have been submitted. Faculty interviews are ongoing. Several community partners have been identified, with CSN submitting an updated MOU that is awaiting final approval. Explore the presentation.
  • Southern Nevada Trades High School – The school is on target to occupy its building on July 5. Five teachers have been hired, as well as a counselor. The school has received 109 applications and 38 enrollments, with an enrollment event scheduled on June 3 and outreach activities occurring on an ongoing basis. Explore the overview.

La Junta examinó las solicitudes de modificación de contratos escolares

The Board conditionally approved Elko Institute for Academic Achievement’s Good Cause Exemption to relocate its permanent facility, located at 905 W. Main St., Elko NV, when construction has been completed. Review the recommendation memo and the amendment application.

The Board approved Beacon Academy of Nevada’s amendment application to expand enrollment at both its East and West campuses. Review the recommendation memo and the amendment application.

Board Reviewed Financial Performance Review and Recommendations for the 2021-2022 School Year

Each school earns performance ratings of either Meets Standard Rating, Does Not Meet Standard, or Falls Far Below Standard, which can trigger a Notice of Concern or a Notice of Breach.

The Board adopted the Financial Performance Framework results presented for Democracy Prep and Nevada Prep for the 2021-2022 school year for all indicators (except the Enrollment Variance measure), and issued a Notice of Concern under the Financial Performance Framework to both schools. Democracy Prep and Nevada Prep are required to develop and submit financial improvement plans and provide quarterly updates to the SPCSA regarding the implementation and status of those plans. Both schools are working with staff to address the items identified.

Explora la presentación y el memorándum de recomendación.

Board Reviewed Revolving Loan Recommendations

The Board approved the Revolving Loan Fund Application for $109,500 to Battle Born Academy, according to the terms outlined in the recommendation memo.

The Board approved the Revolving Loan Fund Application for $100,000 to Southern Nevada Trades High School, according to the terms outlined in the recommendation memo.

Calendario a largo plazo (próximos 3 meses):

Se prevé que entre los puntos del orden del día de las tres próximas reuniones de la Junta de SPCSA figuren:

Se prevé que entre los puntos del orden del día de las tres próximas reuniones de la Junta de SPCSA figuren:

  • Election of the SPCSA Chair and Vice Chair (two-year terms)
  • Organizational Performance Framework updates
  • Nuevas escuelas
  • Modifications and updates to the Site Evaluation process for the 2023-2024 school year
  • Nuevas solicitudes de escuelas concertadas

Explore el calendario.

The next Meeting of the SPCSA Board is scheduled for Friday, June 23, 2023, @ 9:00 a.m. 

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