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Blog | Categoría: Blog

Where Accountability Meets Action: Reflections on the Closure of TEACH Las Vegas

TEACH Las Vegas surrendered its charter at the June 21, 2024, State Public Charter School Authority board meeting. School closures, such as TEACH Las Vegas’ and the cascading impacts that occurred as a result, are disruptive, but they are necessary ...Continue Reading

July 29, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Primary Election Question of the Week: What is one book you think every student should read before they graduate high school and why?

To give voters more information on the perspectives of State Board of Education, Clark County School District, and Washoe County School District Board candidates, Opportunity 180 introduced the Question of the Week to accompany its Primary Election Voter Guide. ...Continue Reading

June 5, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Presentación del diseño en EdRupt: ¡Explora la Cohorte 3!

Opportunity 180 se enorgullece de dar la bienvenida a seis nuevos becarios en la tercera promoción de su beca Design to EdRupt "Explore". Design to EdRupt pretende alterar el panorama educativo actual sacando a la luz y apoyando a líderes de la educación K-12 infrarrepresentados que buscan ...Continue Reading

0019 de de 2024|Categorías: Blog|Etiquetas: , , Becas|Becas

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