Nevada Ed-Watch

La serie Ed-Watch está diseñada para aumentar el acceso a la información sobre qué decisiones
se están tomando con respecto a la educación pública en el condado de Clark y Nevada.

Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe

¿Qué es la Junta Directiva y de qué es responsable? La Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe es el órgano decisorio elegido públicamente para el distrito escolar. Son responsables de supervisar al Superintendente y de establecer la política del Distrito. Los administradores son responsables de trabajar con sus comunidades para mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes.

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y consultar la lista de administradores actuales.

¿Con qué frecuencia se reúne el Consejo de Administración? Los administradores se reúnen dos veces al mes (segundo y cuarto martes) a las 14.00 horas, tanto virtualmente como en la sala de juntas del edificio de la Administración Central, 425 E.9th St., Reno, NV 89512.

Haga clic aquí para consultar la lista completa de reuniones de los Administradores.

¿Pueden los miembros de la comunidad participar en las reuniones de los administradores? Los órganos decisorios se benefician enormemente de las aportaciones del público y de sus múltiples puntos de vista. En la actualidad, el público puede enviar comentarios sobre los puntos del orden del día y los que no lo están a través del correo electrónico o de una grabación de voz. Los comentarios del público pueden hacerse en persona o por correo electrónico. Los comentarios por correo electrónico deben enviarse a



Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Reunión de la Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe

Haga clic aquí para ver la agenda de la reunión.
Vea la reproducción de la reunión.

¿Qué ocurrió en esta reunión?

Los fideicomisarios aprobaron el orden del día

Los puntos destacados del orden del día son:

Explore el orden del día consensuado aquí.

Trustees Recognized September 2023 as Attendance Awareness Month

Trustees designated September 2023 as Attendance Awareness Month to promote regular attendance at school and ensure a safe, welcoming learning environment. The resolution also called on parents and families to make attendance at school a priority and take advantage of attendance resources from the District.

Explora la resolución.

Trustees Received a Presentation from PBS Reno on their District Partnership

PBS Reno highlighted different aspects of their partnership with WCSD on promoting student achievement. Its goal is to be in every WCSD school and classroom. Highlights from the presentation included:

  • Curiosity Classroom workshops and book distribution increased to 64 schools, with 778 classrooms served in the 2022-23 school year.
  • In addition to the workshops, a writer’s contest, reading buddies, and family engagement were also part of the Curiosity Classroom program. The writer’s contest opens in January, and closes just before spring break.
  • Several StemWorks videos are available for students, including from Desert Research Institute, Google, Nevada Mining Association, Tesla, and more. This series offers digital short films on different careers in STEM. To explore more on the series, click here.

Explore la presentación.

Trustees Opted to Rezone the Spanish Springs Area

Staff presented the latest enrollment and residential information regarding the Spanish Springs Area and potential rezoning and building. Moderate overcrowding is currently being experienced at Bohach Elementary School, and there is moderate underutilization at other elementary schools in this area. Overall, Spanish Springs Area elementary schools’ total enrollment has decreased by about 4.5% since 2017-18. The area has also seen the most new home growth since 2017, and the trend is anticipated to continue in the enrollment boundaries of Bohach, Hall, and Taylor Elementary Schools.

Three options were presented to Trustees: Wait and see what happens with enrollment trends, rezone schools, or build new facilities to accommodate the growth:

  • Wait and See: Pros include operating cost avoidance and allowing for consideration of Facility Modernization Plan recommendations. Cons include potentially escalating construction costs, Bohach Elementary remaining overcrowded, and portable installation.
  • Rezone: Pros include this being the fastest option for relieving overcrowding and utilizing existing capacity. Cons include a five-year commitment to the rezoning, possible construction escalation costs, and additional rezoning that may be necessary.
  • Build: Pros include permanently relieving overcrowding at Bohach Elementary, avoiding possible construction inflation, and the project being ready to begin construction and potential open for the 2025-26 school year. Cons include an additional $1 million additional operating costs, and likely excess capacity across regional schools.

After discussion, Trustees opted to start the rezoning process.

Explore la presentación.

Trustees Adopted the Student Behavior Manual/Progressive Discipline Plan for the 2023-24 School Year

Trustees adopted the Student Behavior Manual/Progressive Discipline Plan for the 2023-24 school year. This is following small group briefings, a Board workshop, and school principals giving feedback, as well as several community stakeholders. All schools who were sent the draft manual were able to provide feedback on discipline policies. The teacher and administrator guide are almost completed, and the training schedule for administrators has been released. Training for educators and other personnel will follow in coordination with the Washoe Education Association.

Explore the Student Behavior Manual.

Trustees Ended the Moratorium on Board Policy 9070 and Provided Preliminary Approval of the Revised Draft Board Policy 9070

The District completed the two-year review process at the beginning of 2023. Changes to this policy include revised definitions and streamlined verbiage, ending the policy committee to avoid redundancy, and reimplementing the two-year policy. The amended policy was approved and will now undergo the 13-day public review comment period.

Review the redlined proposed policy.

Student Representative Report

Entre los aspectos más destacados del informe figuran:

  • The first Student Advisory Council meeting of the year
  • Additional recruiting and plans for more school representation
  • Plans for the Council’s retreat on September 23

Informes de los administradores

Entre los aspectos más destacados del informe figuran:

  • Meetings with school teams and administrators
  • School visits and various school and community events
  • Attending the National Association of School Boards conference
  • Participation in school board training and convenings, committees, and councils
  • Implementation of traffic safety plans
  • Trustee Church holding a town hall on September 13 at 6:00 p.m. at JWood Raw Elementary School
  • Congratulations to the Pre-K Educator of the Year, Rebecca Howell
  • Groundbreaking of Debbie Smith Career and Technical Academy

Informe del Superintendente

Entre los aspectos más destacados del informe figuran:

  • Next week is National Parent Teacher Home Visits Week. 
  • Commitment of staff, families, and students in making home visits successful
  • The first Family Action Committee meeting and Special Education Family Action Committee meeting 

Comentarios del público

  • WC-1 tax increase from 2016
  • Staff interventions regarding attendance and truancy, and the correlation between academic performance and participation in school activities

The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for September 26, at 2:00 p.m.

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