Nevada Ed-Watch

La serie Ed-Watch está diseñada para aumentar el acceso a la información sobre qué decisiones
se están tomando con respecto a la educación pública en el condado de Clark y Nevada.

Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe

¿Qué es la Junta Directiva y de qué es responsable? La Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe es el órgano decisorio elegido públicamente para el distrito escolar. Son responsables de supervisar al Superintendente y de establecer la política del Distrito. Los administradores son responsables de trabajar con sus comunidades para mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes.

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y consultar la lista de administradores actuales.

¿Con qué frecuencia se reúne el Consejo de Administración? Los administradores se reúnen dos veces al mes (segundo y cuarto martes) a las 14.00 horas, tanto virtualmente como en la sala de juntas del edificio de la Administración Central, 425 E.9th St., Reno, NV 89512.

Haga clic aquí para consultar la lista completa de reuniones de los Administradores.

¿Pueden los miembros de la comunidad participar en las reuniones de los administradores? Los órganos decisorios se benefician enormemente de las aportaciones del público y de sus múltiples puntos de vista. En la actualidad, el público puede enviar comentarios sobre los puntos del orden del día y los que no lo están a través del correo electrónico o de una grabación de voz. Los comentarios del público pueden hacerse en persona o por correo electrónico. Los comentarios por correo electrónico deben enviarse a

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Reunión de la Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe

Pulse aquí para ver el orden del día de la reunión.
Vea la reproducción de la reunión.

¿Qué ocurrió en esta reunión?

Los fideicomisarios aprobaron el orden del día

Los puntos destacados del orden del día son:

Explore the consent agenda here.

Trustees Discussed Community Engagement Activities by WCSD for the 2022-23 School Year

Entre los aspectos más destacados de la presentación figuran los siguientes:

  • District staff honored educators during Teacher Appreciation Week; hosted an annual Back to School Expo and other forums and clinics for students and families; promoted a new online tutoring service; launched an Instagram; and facilitated numerous ribbon-cutting events.
  • The Superintendent has visited every school in the district; hosted staff and community chats; participated in home visits with educators, parents, families, and students; launched the WCSD Family Action and Special Education Family Action Committees; held numerous town halls; and built numerous partnerships.
  • Trustees attended schools and community events to engage with families, students, and faculty; met with elected officials about schools; and advocated for education initiatives.

Explore la presentación.

Trustees Approved the Guaranteed Maximum Price 2 from Q & D Construction for the Management of Construction for Repurposing Hug High School into Debbie Smith Career and Technical Academy High School

Trustees approved the guaranteed maximum price from the construction manager at risk for the repurposing of Hug High School into Debbie Smith Career and Technical Academy High School in the amount of $97,606,379, and approved contingency in the amount of $5,987,402.

Explore the contract.

Trustees Approved the Draft Student Behavior Manual for the 2023-2024 School Year

The discussion included:

  • A summary of activities by WCSD staff as of June 27, 2023 including facilitating meetings with associations, reviews of the manual by multiple administrators, and a briefing with the board trustees for briefings.
  • An overview of next steps in August which will include disseminating the manual to schools for review and feedback as well as training on process and changes.

The final manual will be presented to the Board in September for consideration of final adoption.

Explore the presentation, draft manual, and summary of the changes between June 27 – July 25, 2023.

Trustees Approved the Proposed Sexuality, Health, and Responsibility Education (SHARE) 4th and 5th Grade Curricula, as Recommended by the SHARE Committee

The SHARE Committee, made up of nine members appointed by the Board of Trustees, proposed language revisions to the SHARE curriculum and that students be taught SHARE together rather than in separate classrooms by gender. Proposed 4th grade lessons will cover understanding the body, puberty, and friendships and consent. Proposed 5th grade lessons will cover puberty, communication and boundaries, personal safety, reproductive systems, and liking and loving. This is an opt-in program.

The reason for the proposed curriculum is that the current curriculum is more than 20 years old and does not adequately cover topics of healthy relationships, consent, setting boundaries, and sexual assault, and takes into consideration concerns from the community.

Members of the public in attendance shared comments on topics about the curriculum, language, and inclusivity.

Trustees discussed clarity and consistency of language, compliance with NAC and board policy, communication of changes and opt-in/opt-out process to parents/guardians, and updating content and videos for accuracy.

WCSD staff will further review all materials and return to the Board with additional recommendations for updates per Board feedback.

Comentarios del público

Se escucharon comentarios del público sobre los siguientes temas:

  • Creating a safe place for students
  • Governance training

The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for August 8, at 2:00 p.m.

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