Nevada Ed-Watch

La serie Ed-Watch está diseñada para aumentar el acceso a la información sobre qué decisiones
se están tomando con respecto a la educación pública en el condado de Clark y Nevada.

Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark

¿Qué es el Consejo de Administración y de qué es responsable? Los fideicomisarios del CCSD toman las decisiones del distrito escolar. Siete miembros son elegidos según el distrito; cuatro son representantes designados de los cuatro municipios más grandes del Condado de Clark (Condado de Clark, Ciudad de Las Vegas, Ciudad de Henderson y Ciudad de North Las Vegas). Son responsables de supervisar al Superintendente y establecer la política de todo el distrito. Los fideicomisarios son responsables de trabajar con sus comunidades para mejorar el rendimiento estudiantil.

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y consultar la lista de administradores actuales..
Haga clic aquí para encontrar su distrito.

¿Con qué frecuencia se reúne el Consejo de Administración? Los administradores se reúnen dos veces al mes (segundo y cuarto jueves) a las 17.00 horas, tanto virtualmente como en la sala de juntas del Centro Educativo Edward A. Greer (2832 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121).

Haga clic aquí para consultar la lista completa de reuniones y órdenes del día de los administradores..

¿Pueden los miembros de la comunidad participar en las reuniones de los administradores? Los órganos decisorios se benefician enormemente de las aportaciones del público y de sus múltiples puntos de vista. En la actualidad, el público puede enviar comentarios sobre los puntos del orden del día y los que no lo están a través del correo electrónico o de una grabación de voz. Los comentarios del público pueden hacerse en persona, por correo electrónico o mediante grabación de voz. Los comentarios por correo electrónico deben enviarse a Para enviar una grabación de voz sobre los puntos del orden del día, llame al 702-799-1166. La grabación de voz de los comentarios del público está limitada a 1 minuto y 30 segundos.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Reunión de la Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark

Haga clic aquí para consultar el orden del día de la reunión.

Vea la reproducción de la reunión.

¿Qué ocurrió en esta reunión?

Los fideicomisarios aprobaron el orden del día consensuado (7-0)

Puntos destacados del orden del día:

Explore aquí los puntos del orden del día consensuados .

Trustees Accepted the Focus: 2024 Strategic Plan Update – Perceptions of Student Safety (7-0)

Student safety is measured by positive responses on four questions from the Districtwide Survey: I sometimes stay home because I don’t feel safe at this school; students feel safe in this school; this school has safety procedures that work; and this school is safe. Highlights from the data include:

    • Overall survey participation has increased.
    • High School students reported feeling safer in schools for the second year in a row.
    • Districtwide, 79% of students rated safety positively in schools, which is a fairly stable metric from the previous measured years.
    • In grades 4 & 5, 86.4% of students surveyed positively, which is slightly lower than in previous measured years.
    • In grades 6 – 8, 74.8% of students districtwide chose positive responses to safety, which is a slight decline from previous years.
    • In grades 9-12 safety perception increased for the second year in a row, with 78.4% responding positively. This marks the highest rate since 2018, with the exception of the year of distance learning in 2020-2021.
    • That said, all actual numbers did not meet the targets set.
    • Full results available on in “Surveys” section

Next steps include continuous improvement teams revising the school performance plan based on survey analysis this summer.

Explore la presentación en inglés y la presentación en español.

Trustees Accepted the Focus: 2024 Strategic Plan Update – Chronic Absenteeism (7-0)

Trustees reviewed the latest rates of chronic absenteeism for the District. Chronic absenteeism is the total percentage of students who are absent for 10% or more of enrolled days. It includes excused and unexcused absences.   

Highlights from the data include:

    • Overall, chronic absenteeism has decreased from the previous year measured, across all student groups. The chronic absenteeism rate this year is 30%, vs. 36% last year.
    • That said, rates are falling short of the targets.
    • CCSD’s chronic absenteeism rate mirrors those from similar school districts across the country.
    • CCSD has completed over 35,000 home visits as a measure to combat chronic absenteeism.

Three principals from schools who experienced success decreasing Chronic Absenteeism were present. Their strategies included:

    • Monitoring and rewarding regular attendance, including attendance celebrations
    • Tier 2 support for those who are not attending regularly
    • Personal phone calls and home visits to parents with children who were chronically absent
    • Inspirational PA announcements
    • Emphasis on engaging curriculum, including an additional elective incentive and professional development

Explore la presentación en inglés y la presentación en español.

Trustees Heard an Update on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council’s Year in Review 2023-2024

Trustees received a “Year in Review” presentation on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council:

  • Emergency Management/ Safety Protocols
    • Increase methods and frequency of communication during emergency situations, such as requiring schools to send a text message every email at 10-minute intervals.
    • Add visual alerts to school alarms for hearing impaired or disabled children
  • Mental Health
    • Students and families are generally not aware of the free resources available to them in CCSD
    • Annual surveys dedicated to this topic are recommended, including an increase in programming, including two “days of mental wellness” per school year, with mandatory social/emotional check ins.
  • Equity and Diversity Efforts
    • Diversity in CCSD is strong and generally students aren’t aware of all the resources available for undocumented children or children who speak English as a second language.
    • Staff diversity doesn’t reflect campus diversity
    • A boost in funding is recommended for cultural education during staff development days and promoting the creation of cultural affinity groups in schools.

A final recommendation is to integrate QR codes or links on campus that direct students to resources that are now available and under-utilized.

Explore la presentación.

Trustees Approved the Superintendent Search Request for Proposal Rubric (6-0-1)

Trustees reviewed and accepted the rubric to be used for the rating of those who submitted proposals on the Superintendent Search RFP.

The rubric includes:

  • Recommended language and rating scales
  • Evaluation criteria

The board will review responsive proposals in a public meeting on May 15, then present and interview responders in a public meeting on May 29.

Review the rubric.

Comentarios del público

Los miembros del público compartieron comentarios sobre:

  • Staff shortages
  • Loss of teachers specifically at Joseph Neal Elementary
  • Bidding procedures
  • Restorative justice and classroom behavior
  • Seguridad de los alumnos
  • Absentismo crónico
  • Diabetic support and supplies
  • Board leadership
  • Social media
  • Educación sexual
  • Urban planning

The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for May 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

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