Nevada Ed-Watch

La serie Ed-Watch está diseñada para aumentar el acceso a la información sobre qué decisiones
se están tomando con respecto a la educación pública en el condado de Clark y Nevada.

Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark 

¿Qué es el Consejo de Administración y de qué es responsable? Los administradores del CCSD son los responsables de la toma de decisiones del distrito escolar elegidos públicamente. Son responsables de supervisar al Superintendente y de establecer la política del distrito. Los administradores son responsables de trabajar con sus comunidades para mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes.

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y consultar la lista de administradores actuales
Haga clic aquí para encontrar su distrito

¿Con qué frecuencia se reúne el Consejo de Administración? Los administradores se reúnen dos veces al mes (segundo y cuarto jueves) a las 17.00 horas, tanto virtualmente como en la sala de juntas del Centro Educativo Edward A. Greer (2832 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121).

Haga clic aquí para ver una lista completa de las reuniones y agendas de los fideicomisarios
Haga clic aquí para visitar el calendario #NVEd de Hope For Nevada

¿Pueden los miembros de la comunidad participar en las reuniones de los administradores? Los órganos decisorios se benefician enormemente de las aportaciones del público y de sus múltiples puntos de vista. En la actualidad, el público puede enviar comentarios sobre los puntos del orden del día y los que no lo están a través del correo electrónico o de una grabación de voz. Los comentarios del público pueden hacerse en persona, por correo electrónico o mediante grabación de voz. Los comentarios por correo electrónico deben enviarse a Para enviar una grabación de voz sobre los puntos del orden del día, llame al 702-799-1166. La grabación de voz de los comentarios del público está limitada a 1 minuto y 30 segundos.

Thursday, October 12

Reunión de la Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark


Haga clic aquí para consultar el orden del día de la reunión.

Vea la reproducción de la reunión en EduVision del CCSD.

¿Qué ocurrió en esta reunión?

Trustees Approved the Consent Agenda (6-1-0)

Puntos destacados del orden del día:

Un administrador se abstuvo en la votación sobre este punto.

Explore aquí los puntos del orden del día consensuados .

Trustees Accepted the Staff Report on 2022-23 Student Achievement (7-0)

Staff reviewed student achievement progress and results from the 2022-23 school year. The District saw a year-over-year decline, and staff identified ongoing post-pandemic learning gaps, funding levels, and delays in curriculum approval from the State as exacerbating factors.

English Language Arts Proficiency:

  • In Grades 3-5, proficiency rates as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) in English Language Arts (ELA) was 40.1% for the 2022-23 school year. This is a decrease from 2018-19’s proficiency rate of 49.5%. These results also demonstrate ongoing disparities among different student groups.
  • In Grade 3 ELA, District average proficiency was 39.3%, a decrease from its 46.7% proficiency rate from 2018-19.
  • In Grades 6-8 ELA, District average proficiency was 37.9%, a decrease from its 47.1% proficiency rate from 2018-19.
  • In Grade 11 ELA (as measured by the ACT assessment), District average proficiency was 45.9%, a decrease from its 46.2% proficiency rate from 2018-19.
  • 2022-23 actual proficiency targets were not met at any grade level, as indicated by the chart below:

Mathematics Proficiency:

  • In Grades 3-5, proficiency rates as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) in mathematics was 33.0% for the 2022-23 school year. This is a decrease from 2018-19’s proficiency rate of 42.2%. These results also demonstrate ongoing disparities among different student groups.
  • In Grades 6-8 mathematics, District average proficiency was 23.4%, a decrease from its 31.0% proficiency rate from 2018-19.
  • In Grade 11 mathematics (as measured by the ACT assessment), District average proficiency was 19.2%, a decrease from its 24.5% proficiency rate from 2018-19.
  • 2022-23 actual proficiency targets were not met at any grade level, as indicated by the chart below:

Science Proficiency:

  • In Grades 5, proficiency rates as measured by the Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT) in science was 16.5% for the 2022-23 school year. This is a decrease from 2018-19’s proficiency rate of 22.7%. These results also demonstrate ongoing disparities among different student groups.
  • In Grades 8 science, District average proficiency was 29.5%, a decrease from its 35.3% proficiency rate from 2018-19.
  • In Grade 10 mathematics, District average proficiency was 18.7%, a decrease from its 26.9% proficiency rate from 2018-19.
  • 2022-23 actual proficiency targets were not met at any grade level, as indicated by the chart below:

Star Ratings:

This is the first year since the COVID-19 pandemic that star ratings have been released.

  • 39% of schools rated at the three-star level or higher on the Nevada School Performance Framework.

Challenges identified include inconsistent implementation of instructional materials, delayed adoption by the Nevada Department of Education of Tier I instructional materials for ELA, educator shortages, chronic absenteeism, and the COVID-19 pandemic impacting critical years of literacy development.

Successes identified include investments in the science of reading, access to standards-based materials in math and science, facilitated professional learning, and implementation of monitoring tools.

Lessons learned identified by the District include academic recovery taking multiple years, Tier I instruction needing to be supported by the purchase of standards-based Tier I instructional materials, and such materials requiring ongoing, job-embedded coaching.

Next steps include monitoring Tier I instruction expectations and student progress, utilizing materials that customize learning pathways, and expanding schools served through the Differentiated School Support Framework based on student outcomes.

Trustees discussed timing on instructional materials by the Nevada Department of Education, timing of implementation and results, and educator and student supports.

Explore la presentación en inglés y la presentación en español.

Comentarios del público

Los miembros del público compartieron comentarios sobre:

  • Curriculum changes when a student changes schools
  • Math curriculum
  • Schools on block schedules and students with classrooms in portables
  • Groups harassing board members, families, educators, and administrators
  • Educator shortages, safety issues regarding portables, support staff salaries, and student behavior
  • Educator salaries and benefits
  • CCSD Policy 5138
  • Board member conflicts of interest
  • Providing safe spaces and supports for students

The next Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for November 9, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

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