Nevada Ed-Watch

La serie Ed-Watch está diseñada para aumentar el acceso a la información sobre qué decisiones
se están tomando con respecto a la educación pública en el condado de Clark y Nevada.

¿Qué es la SPCSA y de qué es responsable? Considerado como uno de los distritos escolares de Nevada, el SPCSA patrocina y supervisa las escuelas públicas charter. La Autoridad está formada por siete miembros designados responsables de supervisar las normas educativas y operativas y hacer que las escuelas patrocinadas sean responsables del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. 

¿Con qué frecuencia se reúne el Consejo de Administración de SPCSA? El SPCSA suele reunirse una vez al mes, generalmente los viernes. 

Haga clic aquí para consultar el calendario y los materiales de las reuniones de la SPCSA.

¿Pueden los miembros de la comunidad participar en las reuniones de la Junta de SPCSA? Aunque todas las reuniones de la SPCSA se celebran normalmente en público en el edificio del Departamento de Educación de Nevada en Carson City y en el edificio del Departamento de Educación de Nevada en Las Vegas (sala de juntas del 1er piso), todas las reuniones se celebran ahora virtualmente debido a la crisis COVID-19. Los miembros del público pueden ver la reunión en línea a través del enlace en la página web de Aviso Público de SPCSA y la agenda y cualquier material de apoyo se puede encontrar aquí. El público puede hacer comentarios sobre cualquier punto del orden del día al principio de la reunión o sobre cualquier asunto relacionado con SPCSA al final de cada reunión del Consejo. Los miembros de la comunidad que hagan comentarios públicos pueden utilizar la siguiente línea de conferencia telefónica: 1-312-584-2401; extensión 3952176# con un límite de tiempo de tres minutos por orador. Alternativamente, los comentarios del público pueden enviarse por escrito a, y cualquier comentario público de este tipo recibido antes de la reunión se facilitará a la Autoridad y se incluirá en el acta escrita de la reunión.

Haga clic aquí para ver una lista de todos los miembros de SPCSA.
Haga clic aquí para ver una lista de todas las escuelas patrocinadas por SPCSA.

Friday, April 14, 2023
State Public Charter School Authority Board Meeting
Access the meeting agenda and playback.

¿Qué ocurrió en esta reunión? 

Staff Provided a Legislative Update

Staff provided an update on legislation relating to the Authority. Highlights included:

  • Staff presented to the Legislature on how the Authority would spend additional funds.
  • Staff is closely monitoring several bills, available in the update document below.
  • The deadline for bills to pass out of their committee of origin is April 14. Several bills have been identified for potential exemption, however.
  • The Governor’s sweeping education bill is AB 400 and will continue to be monitored.

Review the update.

Board Approved the Proposed Changes and Authorized Staff to Submit a Report, Pursuant to Executive Order 2023-003

SPCSA staff provided an overview of Executive Order 2023-003, which requires all state agencies (including SPCSA), to undertake a review of regulations subject to the state agency’s enforcement to determine how to streamline, clarify, reduce, or clarify those regulations. Ten regulations must be submitted to the Governor’s office for potential reduction by May 1.

Staff reviewed a redline version of the regulations that have been identified to eliminate, including several where the regulatory authority granted by the regulation is duplicative. Once submitted, the Governor’s office will provide feedback and there will be several opportunities for engagement via workshops, public comment, and other forums. 

Review the memo and the redline version of the regulations.

Board Received an Update on Schools Opening in Fall 2023

  • Board Received an Update on Schools Opening in Fall 2023
  • Eagle Charter Schools of Nevada: Planned enrollment is 540 students; 35 students have been fully enrolled and 65 are in the process of completing their enrollment. 450+ applications have been submitted. Community events continue to be held for awareness, and the facility continues to progress. An office manager has been hired and several offer letters for additional staff have been sent. Explore the update presentation
  • Pinecrest Academy Springs Campus: A Vice Principal has been hired, and all but two teaching positions have been hired. The land use application review concluded in March, and an updated timeline was provided. The lottery was held March 1, and student recruiting and enrollment efforts continue for all grade levels. Explore the update presentation.
  • Rooted School – Las Vegas: Rooted has applied for a PERS account. The school will be co-located with Nevada Prep for its opening year. Its Infinite Campus contract has been approved, and training begins the week of 4/17. The CMO agreement has been submitted to the Authority, and all pre-opening items have been submitted. Community engagement for enrollment and recruitment continues, with 13 applications submitted online. Several community partners have been identified, with meetings taking place on an ongoing basis. Explore the update presentation.
  • Southern Nevada Trades High School: Special conditions identified have been met, and the school’s special use permit was approved in March. Staff has been hired to support registration and enrollment. There are 65 ninth graders and 55 tenth graders who have applied to-date, as well as 100+ interest forms completed. Explore the memo and update presentation

Board Received an Update on Schools Opening in Fall 2023

  • Eagle Charter Schools of Nevada: Planned enrollment is 540 students; 35 students have been fully enrolled and 65 are in the process of completing their enrollment. 450+ applications have been submitted. Community events continue to be held for awareness, and the facility continues to progress. An office manager has been hired and several offer letters have been sent. Explore the update presentation
  • Pinecrest Academy Springs Campus: A Vice Principal has been hired, and all but two teaching positions have been hired. The land use application review concluded in March, and an updated timeline was provided. The lottery was held March 1, and student recruiting and enrollment efforts continue for all grade levels. Explore the update presentation.
  • Rooted School – Las Vegas: Rooted has applied for a PERS account. It will be co-located with Nevada Prep for its opening year. Its Infinite Campus contract has been approved, and training begins the week of 4/17. The CMO agreement has been submitted to the Authority, and all pre-opening items have been submitted. Community engagement for enrollment and recruitment continues, with 13 applications submitted online. Several community partners have been identified, with meetings taking place on an ongoing basis. Explore the update presentation.
  • Southern Nevada Trades High School: Special conditions identified have been met, and the school’s special use permit was approved in March. Staff has been hired to support registration and enrollment. There are 65 ninth graders and 55 tenth graders who have applied to-date, as well as 100+ interest forms completed. Explore the memo and update presentation.

Explore the briefing memo.

Board Approved Several Charter School Contract Amendments

  • Nevada Virtual Academy: The Board conditionally approved the Good Cause Exemption to terminate its agreement with K12 Virtual Schools. Explore the amendment application and recommendation memo.
  • Signature Preparatory: The Board conditionally approved the Good Cause Exemption to terminate its service agreement with Charter One LLC and enter into a service agreement with Charter One NV, effective July 1, 2023. Explore the amendment application and recommendation memo.
  • Nevada Rise Academy: The Board approved the request to reduce the enrollment cap for the 2023-24 school year from 476 to 364 students, and reduce the enrollment cap for the remainder of the charter term to reflect this adjustment. Explore the amendment application and recommendation memo.

Board Issued a Notice of Breach for Girls Empowerment Middle School (GEMS)

The Board voted to issue a Notice of Breach under the Financial Performance Framework to GEMS. The school will be required to develop and submit a Viability Plan by April 25, 2023, that includes the school’s tentative FY24 budget, evidence of enrollment, confirmation of facility costs, and any additional evidence of funding to demonstrate how the school will sustain operations through June 30, 2024. 

The Board designated Director Feiden and Director Modrcin to meet with GEMS leadership and board to discuss the requirements and expectations of the Viability Plan.

Explore la nota de recomendación.

Calendario a largo plazo (próximos 3 meses):

Se prevé que entre los puntos del orden del día de las tres próximas reuniones de la Junta de SPCSA figuren:

Se prevé que entre los puntos del orden del día de las tres próximas reuniones de la Junta de SPCSA figuren:

  • Enmiendas al contrato de las escuelas chárter
  • Recomendaciones para la solicitud de préstamos renovables
  • Nuevas escuelas
  • Legislative updates
  • Charter school applications received
  • Overview of Project Aware grant

Explore el calendario.

The next Meeting of the SPCSA Board is scheduled for Friday, May 19, 2023, @ 9:00 a.m. 

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